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Braces with brackets, removable and fixated braces

Correcion of tooth position is possible for children and adolescents, as well as adults. While jaw malformation should be treated during adolescence, aesthetic corrections are possible at any time in life. In any case, a healthy periodontal apparatus and well established dental hygiene are required.

Depending on the tooth and jaw position, either removable or fixed braces are used.

Fixed braces (brackets with wires) are usually put on the front of the tooth. With adults, it is often attached to the lingual or tongue side of the teeth which makes them invisible.

Invisible braces (for adults and adolescents): 

The Invisalign method works with transparent, almost invisible custom-made splints, that need to be replaced every two weeks. At the beginning of treatment, a virtual process and the end result can be computer-simulated. With each new set of splints, the tooth position is being optimized. The splints are removable, comfortable and efficient.